Each Green Corner Giving Tuesday 2023

What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is a global day of generosity created in 2012 to inspire individuals to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity and imagine a global community built around kindness and giving. In 2023, Giving Tuesday will fall on November 28. For this Giving Tuesday, we are planning on directing donations toward multiple programs and projects, with an emphasis on trees! Trees cost roughly $40 for a bare root, $150-200 for a 15-gallon nursery tree, and $500 for a 24-inch box. At these growth stages, these will respectively produce in around 5 years, 2 years, and as soon as it is planted. We currently maintain 144 trees across our sits, and are always looking to increase this number for increased fruit production, carbon sequestration, canopy cover, and site enrichment. 


Photos (left to right): Produce from Arundel Elementary (07/13/23), Volunteers at Arundel Elementary (09/05/23)


Each Green Corner is a Bay Area-based nonprofit that works with local non-profit food distribution partners and community members alike to transform underutilized land to grow permaculture-inspired produce and provides food education to school-age children and communities who face food insecurity. Our mission is centered on assisting and educating community members to develop permaculture-inspired and culturally-diverse gardens where excess harvest is donated to local non-profit food distribution partners. By serving those facing food insecurity and assisting those who wish to cultivate their gardens, we build a caring and community-centered network within and beyond San Mateo county. We seek to increase the pipeline of fresh, accessible, and culturally-diverse produce while educating the community about public health, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture. Ultimately, your help is crucial to Each Green Corner’s impact– cultivating food security and promoting community resilience for communities in need. This Giving Tuesday on November 28, donate to help us make a difference.

From volunteering at events, to managing our public presence, to helping educate local communities, to growing seedlings for future growth, volunteers are essential to the productivity and sustainability of Each Green Corner. As such, Each Green Corner is always welcoming and accepting volunteers for a variety of roles within the organization. Yet, each volunteer is valued and makes their own impact and contribution to the overall mission of alleviating food insecurity. To volunteer at Each Green Corner and view the roles that require in-depth involvement, visit the link below. We would love to have you on our team!



Program Highlights

Each Green Corner’s Living Campus program partners with schools and community centers to design garden-centered outdoor educational spaces, including assistance with the installation process, maintenance of, and harvesting of site produce for donation to local food banks. Food Explorers functions at our Living Campus partner sites as a Common Core—and California health education—aligned interactive curriculum created for educators, children, and families. The program seeks to engage young students to build connections with their food sources and provide a foundation for nutritional wellness and an understanding of food systems. Food Explorers is in its pilot phase at many of our partner schools, and we are currently using some of our donations toward furthering this program!


Seedling Starters is a semi-annual campaign to prepare for seasonal harvests. Volunteers from EGC deliver trays of seedlings to community volunteers who are willing to cultivate seedlings to prepare them for later planting. Each Green Corner grows all of our own seedlings, and we are constantly experimenting with new varieties and primarily growing a more varied selection of produce that is generally unavailable as food banks such as Gom Chwi and Pak Choy to best serve our diverse community in San Mateo.  


The Resident Gardens program is a community-centered initiative that works to develop a pipeline of fresh produce from community members who own a producing garden to community members without access to fresh produce. Each Green Corner assists low-income residents and isolated seniors to transform their private, underutilized yard space into a productive and culturally-inclusive garden space. Extra harvest from the Resident Gardens program is donated to local non-profit food distribution partners for further reach towards community members facing food insecurity. 

Donate Here: https://eachgreencorner.app.neoncrm.com/donation.jsp?campaign=5&

Visit Our Website for More Information!  https://www.eachgreencorner.org/