Mariposa & Tierra Linda Living Campus Monthly Work Day
01/27/2024 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT
San Carlos, CA
[750 Dartmouth Ave, San Carlos]
Come help with regular care of our Living Campus at both Mariposa Upper Elementary and Tierra Linda Middle School! We will start at 9 a.m. and work until our tasks are complete (estimated 11:00 a.m.). Our Living Campus work days have tasks appropriate for registered volunteers age 5 and up! Bring your masks, water bottles and work gloves! Restrooms WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE during this event.
Tasks may include:
- Installing rain barrels or raised beds
Weeding beds and planting areas;
Pruning and harvesting;
Planting trees
Mulching, sheet mulching, and/or other ground preparation;
Trash cleanup, and/or
Other special tasks to help grow our Living Campus and further EGC’s mission!