Fox Living Campus Workday
Fox Elementary
3100 St. James Rd, Belmont
April 19th {9am - 12pm}
Come help take care of our Living Campus garden at Roosevelt Elementary! We will start at 9 a.m. and work until our tasks are complete (estimated 12:00 p.m.). Our Living Campus workdays have tasks appropriate for registered volunteers age 5 and up! Wear sturdy shoes, clothes that can get very dirty, and bring your water bottles and work gloves! Restrooms will be available on-site during this event.
Tasks may include:
Weeding beds and planting areas;
Pruning and harvesting;
Preparing in-ground furrows & raised garden beds;
Planting trees, shrubs, and vegetables;
Mulching, sheet mulching, and/or other ground preparation;
Trash cleanup, and/or
Other special tasks to help grow Roosevelt's Living Campus garden